16-gauge guns had a standard barrel length of 28 inches, while 12-gauge guns were furnished with 30-inch length barrels. Throughout the time period the Model 1897 was in production, over a million of the type were produced in various grades and barrel lengths. It was the first truly successful pump-action shotgun produced. The gun itself is classified as a slide action pump shotgun. This means that the user can hold the trigger down while pumping the shotgun and once the pump is returned to the forward position the gun fires. The Model 1897 is an external hammer shotgun lacking a trigger disconnector giving it the ability to slam fire. The Model 18 were both designed by John Browning. The Winchester Model 1897 evolved from the Winchester Model 1893.

Over time, “the model 97 became the most popular shotgun on the American market and established a standard of performance by which other kinds and makes of shotguns were judged, including the most expensive imported articles”. The 1897 introduced a "take down" design, where the barrel could be taken off a standard in pump shotguns made today, like the Remington 870 and Mossberg 500 series. Originally produced as a tougher, stronger and more improved version of the Winchester 1893, itself a takeoff on the early Spencer pump gun, the 1897 was identical to its forerunner, except that the receiver was thicker and allowed for use of smokeless powder shells, which were not common at the time. However, the 12 gauge takedown was added in October 1898, and the 16 gauge takedown in February 1900. The Model 1897 was first listed for sale in the November 1897 Winchester catalog as a 12 gauge solid frame. The Winchester Model 1897 was designed by the famous American firearms inventor John Moses Browning. Philippine-American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War United States Army, United States Navy, United States Marine Corps, Since the time the Model 1897 was first manufactured it has been used by American soldiers, police departments, and hunters. Special length barrels could be ordered in lengths as short as 20 inches, and as long as 36 inches. The 16-gauge guns had a standard barrel length of 28 inches, while 12-gauge guns were furnished with 30-inch length barrels. The Model 1897 was offered in numerous barrel lengths and grades, chambered in 12 and 16 gauge, and as a solid frame or takedown. From 1897 until 1957, over one million of these shotguns were produced. The Model 1897 was an evolution of the Winchester Model 1893 designed by John Browning. The Winchester Model 1897, also known as the Model 97, M97, or Trench Gun, was a pump-action shotgun with an external hammer and tube magazine manufactured by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company.